As a child of Vietnamese war refugees, dark pop artist TI:YE deals with themes of transgenerational past, conflicts of culture and identity, trauma and healing. Her unique style combines sophisticated sound design, delicate piano playing, and subtly produced trip-hop beats. TI:YE's voice strikes listeners, allowing them to feel the workings of her inner life.
The darkpop project was created in 2021 in collaboration with electronica artist Gavin Gabriel and producer Rolf Munkes.
November 29, 2024
And the third single is live - a hint to the upoming album 'Is This War?' in January 2025.
October 25, 2024
My single 'The Storm' came out today - have a look!
September 27, 2024
With my first single 'Animal Kingdom' the project I have been working on for the last years sees the light of day! I am more than grateful! Check out the vid!
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